Bringing Your New Cat Home

What to Do When You Bring a New Cat Home 

Create Less Change. And More Comfort

Helping your cat adjust to their new surroundings is essential for a smooth transition. By keeping some consistency between their old and new homes, you can provide comfort and familiarity. Consider bringing belongings from their previous home, such as a blanket or toy, to provide a familiar scent that can be soothing. Additionally, continue to feed them the same cat food they are accustomed to eating, at least until they have a chance to settle into their new environment. 

Give Them a Room of Their Own 

If you have the space, it is beneficial to provide your new cat with a room of their own away from other pets and people. This allows them to comfortably explore a smaller area before being introduced to the larger house. It also provides a safe space for them to retreat to when they need some alone time. By gradually introducing them to the rest of the house, you can help them adjust at their own pace. Resident cats can investigate the new addition safely through the door, allowing them time to get used to the presence of another pet in the home. 

Get to Know Each Other 

Building a bond with your new cat is crucial for their well-being and adjustment. Spend plenty of one-on-one time with them throughout the day, allowing them to become accustomed to your voice and scent. Sit on the floor and give them the space they need to investigate their surroundings at their own pace. However, keep these visits short during the first few days to avoid overstimulation. Gradually increase the duration of your interactions as they become more comfortable and confident. 

Slowly Introduce the Whole Family 

Once your cat has adjusted to their new home, it's time to introduce them to other family members. Take it slow and introduce each family member one at a time. To help familiarise your cat with the scents of each family member, consider giving them pieces of a towel or T-shirt that carries the scent of each person. This will help them associate the scents with positive experiences and gradually become more comfortable with each family member. 

Teach Your Kids About Cats 

If this is the first cat in your home, it's important to prepare your kids for the change and teach them how to interact with cats appropriately. Have a conversation with them about how cats should be handled, emphasizing the importance of gentle touch and a quiet voice. Lead by example and demonstrate the proper way to interact with the cat. Remind your children that cats may not always enjoy being squeezed or hugged and encourage them to approach the cat slowly and calmly. Teach them that slow and steady petting is the best way to interact with their new furry friend. 

By following these guidelines and providing a supportive and comfortable environment, you can help your new cat adjust to their new home and build a strong and loving bond with them. Remember, patience and understanding are key during this transition period, and with time, your new cat will feel right at home with your family. 

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Kitten Desexing

De-sexing is a surgical procedure performed by a registered veterinarian to sterilise cats. 

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Feeding An Adult Cat

You can feed your cat wet or dry food, or a mixture of both.