Keeping Cats Cool in Summer

While cats generally tolerate the heat better than us, they do suffer on hot days. Here are a few ways to make your feline companion more comfortable - both before and during a heatwave. 

1- Keep Your Cat Well Groomed 

A tangle-free coat will help keep your cat cool, so brush your cat often over the summer months. It might also be worth having your cat professionally clipped for summer, especially if she has long fur. To see what’s best, talk to your vet. In the meantime, learn how to pamper your cat with our grooming tips here.

2- Stroke Your Cat With a Damp Washcloth 

On hot days, gently stroking your cat with a damp washcloth or paper towel can help them cool down. And we all know that every cat loves a good pat. ​ 

3- Use a Small Box Fan 

To create a lovely breeze for your cat, place a small box fan on the floor near an air conditioner or open window. For extra cooling power, place a frozen water bottle in front of the fan. 

4- Leave Fresh Water Around The House 

Cats need to stay hydrated in the heat, just like us. Leaving bowls of fresh water dotted around the house will prompt them to drink more often. Remember to change the water daily. 

5- Close Curtains and Blinds During The Day 

Close all window coverings to keep the house cool. Not only will it keep your kitty happy, it’ll save you money on air-conditioning bills as well. 

6- Keep Cool Flooring Uncovered 

Don’t be surprised to find your cat stretched out on the kitchen or bathroom floor. Cats naturally gravitate to cool surfaces in the heat, so consider rolling away the rug or bath mat 

7- Elevate Your Cat’s Bed 

Ventilation is key, so consider investing in a cloth-covered cat bed with short plastic or metal legs. The air passing under the bed will help keep your cat cool. 

8- Make a ‘Cool Water Bottle’ For Your Cat 

To transform your cat’s favourite lounging spot to a chilled oasis, fill a drink bottle with cold water and leave it in the freezer overnight. In the morning, wrap the bottle in a towel and place it in position, ready for a relaxing cat-nap. 

Some Final Heat Safety Tips 

Pay attention to your cat's feet as they have sweat glands on their paws. If your cat is leaving wet paw prints, it’s a sign of sweating, so you’ll need to replenish her fluids. 

Always check sheds and garages before shutting doors. Cats can find their way into all sorts of hidey holes, particularly if they’re looking for a shady spot to cool down in. 

Watch for symptoms of heatstroke. These include excessive panting, lethargy, drooling, fever, vomiting, collapse or unconsciousness. If you’re worried about your cat, call your vet immediately. 

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