Pet Shelters


Purina supports a number of shelters throughout Australia in its mission to deliver high-quality pet food nutrition to aid pet adoptions.


At Purina, we strongly believe that pets and people are better together, and we recognise the importance of organizations and charities advocating for pet welfare. We understand that circumstances change, and it becomes difficult to care for a pet. That’s why we support associations providing a responsible avenue for pet surrender and rehoming. By adopting a pet from one of these organizations, you’re not only enriching their life but also your own, creating a bond that can bring joy and companionship.

As part of our commitment to animal welfare, Purina provides partners with access to high-quality, balanced food, ensuring pets thrive while awaiting new homes. We believe in the power of collaboration and are dedicated to championing animal welfare, ensuring that every pet finds their forever family. Through these partnerships, we aim to make a lasting difference, helping animals find safety, comfort, and love with their new families. If you represent a pet organization and are interested in partnering with us, please get in touch. Together, we can make a meaningful impact, creating a brighter, compassionate future for all. We look forward to hearing from you and continuing our mission to improve the lives of animals in need.

Aimal Aid nurse with a little dog

Animal Aid

For 75 years, Animal Aid has provided essential services for animals in need, including shelter, adoption, boarding, grooming, training, and veterinary care. Since 2023, Purina Australia has proudly served as Animal Aid's exclusive food partner within their shelters. By supplying high-quality food, we contribute to the well-being of the animals in their care. This partnership allows Animal Aid to focus on their vital work of improving animal lives.

Aimal Aid nurse with a little dog
Animal Welfare League NSW dog handler with dog

Animal Welfare League NSW

Since 1958, AWL NSW has been dedicated to improving the lives of animals and humans. They offer a wide range of animal services and 21 volunteer branches across the state, AWL NSW is committed to making a positive impact. Purina Australia has proudly been AWL NSW's pet food supplier since 2023.

Animal Welfare League NSW dog handler with dog

AWL NSW Partnership with Purina Explained

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