The Myth of Hypoallergenic Cats

There is a common belief that some breeds of cats, especially hairless breeds, are 'hypoallergenic.' The popular belief is that 'hypoallergenic' means 'allergen-free' – but what it technically means is 'less' allergenic.

There are no truly "hypoallergenic" cats; however, some cat breeds may shed less hair and provoke fewer reactions in sensitive individuals. The reason for this is that the main cat allergen, Fel d 1, which is primarily produced in the cat's salivary and sebaceous glands, is transferred to the cat's hair and skin when they groom themselves and then spread into the environment on shed hair and dander.

The level of allergen concentration depends on many factors. For example, cats that have been castrated or sterilized before puberty may have less allergen production. Also, hairless breeds (Don and Canadian Sphynxes, Peterbalds, Lykoi, and others), as well as cats with short curly hair (Cornish Rex, Devon Rex), produce slightly less Fel d 1, and it's much easier to keep the skin of these cats clean.

Nevertheless, all cats, regardless of breed, still produce allergens.

Onwer holding his cat cuddling it
Becoming A Cat Owner

There are some things to consider when becoming the owner of a cat, read more here.

Cat sitting with owner and owner is sneezing into a tissue
The Truth About Cat Allergens

Humans can be sensitive to various allergens and it can trigger a sensitivity reaction. 

Owner sitting with dog and cat happily
Dogs & Cats Living Together

Introducing a new pet into an existing household can be a delicate process that requires careful planning and consideration.